Saturday, January 27, 2007

party like it's 1999

dykes to watch out for


Unknown said...

A most interesting comic.

Keifus said...

Yeah....creating legal heirs...that's the way to achieve in a capitalist society!

Oh man. Children consolidating wealth? hahahahaha.

(That only works if your parents are already "capitalist" heirs. Which you know, is sort of beside the point. the word I'm thinking of begins with "A"...)

As for the rest of it...not my world. Shit. Too bad.


psdxwx: no comment

hipparchia said...

yeah, i had to laugh at the idea of children consolidating wealth too.

i can't help it. as the child of a professional cartoonist, i'm a sucker for anything drawn in black and white with dialog in balloons.

tlkurgj: liturgical tk
rkgxu: tk has an evil twin?

Keifus said...

Drawing is something I always wished I had a talent for. My uncle's a painter, but none of those genes trickled my way. Oh well.

You might enjoy this book, btw, but watch out for spoilers in my review.

(I came back to remove "too bad." Too bad I've got so little to relate to there, I suppose.)

K (and also because working sundays sucks)

pgcwmzn: progressive women are amazing
onccc: once upon a milliliter

obfuscati said...

once upon a milliliter! i like that one a lot.

those friends of the library book sales are one of my downfalls. they hold them in huge spaces, table after table of books [yes, the smell], the spaces under the tables filled with empty liquor boxes that were used to haul the books there [do we really drink that much liquor?]. i usually manage to stick to my limit: two boxes of books, though one year i went home with 5.

i've moved away from science fiction and related genres, but you're right, that one sounds interesting. i'll look for it.

cgezn: cubic geezers
llcdxdkp: [something in welsh mashed up with something in some african language]

Keifus said...

Also recommended is The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and CLay in the reviews there somewhere, more cartoon artists and ensuing hijinks. (Under the circumstances, how on earth did you miss the Green Goblin and friends?)

I can usually keep myself to one box, I guess. Mostly because I'm usually bagging work to go to that thing--my life has little browsing time--and I'm also sort of picky. And the presence of too many boxes annoys my wife a little, especially wuith their tendency to camp next to the bed, right in tripping range. (I mean, I could pick it up...)


wmtsquda: W's trademark squad
dkerdu: ill-mannered Danes
(glad you liked the other one)

obfuscati said...

i miss a lot [i'll start paying better attention now]. thanks for the reccies. i'm not terribly picky, if it's got words or pictures, i'm hookable. and it's a really good thing i don't have a wife.

the dog and cat enjoy toppling the various piles of books i have lying around. how could i deprive them of that?

it doesn't help that one box of books costs as little as $5.

august said...

I don't know if you like graphic novels. If you do, let me plug...

Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Chicken with Plums by Marjane Satrapi (and also Persepolis, an epic work by same author), and Epileptic by David B.

obfuscati said...

hey august!

thanks for the recommendations.

you're the one who first got me interested in reading persepolis, so i'll add chicken with plums to the list.

the strip posted here is by alison bechdel and i'm looking forward to reading fun home, especially now that you've recommended it.

tyszngd: toys snoozing underground
golxcag: golem and lacey and cagney