Monday, March 5, 2007

i couldn't ask for a better one

I am:
James Tiptree, Jr. (Alice B. Sheldon)
In the 1970s she was perhaps the most memorable, and one of the most popular, short story writers. Her real life was as fantastic as her fiction.

Which science fiction writer are you?


Kristine said...

Fine. Gloat. Go ahead! ;-)

I haven't even read any Delany.

Keifus said...

Hey hipparchia, there's a recent Tiptree biography out, actually. I read some excerpts from it, and it appears quite well written, and Ms. Sheldon has quite an interesting (and sad) personal history.

A pity, sort of, that she died before the internet. A person who could have maybe benefitted from a tentative, anonymous reach-out.


tkhrskvn: tenaciousK *hearts* scandinavians

obfuscati said...

hey! k & k! good letter of the alphabet, btw, though it's one of the few that does not appear in my name.

k1: well, ok, but i'll only gloat a seemly amount.

k2: i adore biographies, thanks for the link. i have to admit, this being able to reach out via internet has helped my sanity.

maximo said...

arthur c. clarke? whodat?

obfuscati said...

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.